Your Proscan TV remote may stop working due to dried-out batteries or hardware issues. Instead of spending a significant amount of money on purchasing an original Proscan TV remote, you can opt for a universal remote to control your TV at a lower cost. Each universal remote manufacturer provides a unique set of codes to pair the remote with your TV. In this guide, we have listed the remote codes compatible with Proscan TV models and a step-by-step programming guide.
3, 4, 5 Universal Remote Codes for Proscan TV
As we mentioned earlier, the remote codes will vary based on the remote manufacturer.
4 Digit Codes | 5 Digit Codes |
0030, 0047, 0466 | 10000, 10030, 10047, 10178, 10466, 10747, 10810, 10835, 11247, 11347, 11447, 11523, 11712, 11922, 11993, 12147, 12183, 12256, 12278, 12291, 12293, 12746, 13118, 13332, 13382, 13577, 13636, 13717, 13895, 13907, 13939, 14035, 14053, 14093 |
5 Digit Codes |
10030, 10047, 10466, 10747, 11347, 11447, 11922, 12147, 12183, 12256, 12293, 12746, 13382, 13577, 13717 |
3 Digit Codes | 4 Digit Codes |
028, 136, 216, 254, 500, 503, 505, 506, 515, 520, 522, 534, 615, 627, 645, 646, 650, 680, 742, 776, 779, 781, 857 | 0000, 0047, 1347, 1447, 2147, 2256, 2634, 3382, 3636, 3717, 3895, 4035, 4483, 4490, 4491, 4492, 4495 |
3 Digit Codes | 4 Digit Codes |
000, 015, 031, 107, 162, 163, 181 | 0000, 0015, 0031, 0107, 0162, 0221, 0261, 0811, 1421, 1651, 1691, 1731, 2061, 2131, 2141, 2301, 2361, 2371, 2381, 2761, 3421, 4011, 4191, 4771, 5005, 5014, 5056, 5077, 5131, 5133, 514, 5421, 5781, 5881, 6391. |
4 Digit Codes | 5 Digit Codes |
0030, 0047, 1347, 1447, 2183, 2147, 2256, 2634, 2746, 2561, 2559, 3382, 3332, 3429, 3512, 3577, 3636, 3717, 3895, 3939, 3953, 4035, 4053, 4093, 4375, 4477, 4483, 4490, 4491, 4492, 4493, 4494, 4495, 4500. | 10047, 11347, 11447, 12147, 12256 |
3 Digit Codes | 4 Digit Codes | 5 Digit Codes |
057, 074 | 0074, 0103, 0221, 0261, 0312, 0601, 0704, 0811, 0817, 0103, 1421, 1474, 1521, 1691, 1651, 1731, 2141, 2131, 2371, 2381, 2361, 2761, 2761, 3421, 4771, 5881, 5781, 6391, 4011 | 10027, 11321, 13963, 14077, 14235, 14254, 16915, 18108, 18133, 18851 |
3 Digit Codes | 4 Digit Codes | 5 Digit Codes |
000, 100, 181, 203, 212 | 0047, 0000, 1000, 1009, 1078, 1079, 1081, 1098, 1100, 1134, 1181, 1203, 1347, 1447, 2183, 2147, 2256, 2746, 3382, 3332, 3577, 3559, 3636, 3717, 3907, 3939, 3953, 3895, 4035, 4053, 4483, 4495 | 10000, 10047, 11347, 11447, 11712, 12147, 12183, 12256, 12293, 12746, 13118, 13332, 13382, 13559, 13577, 13636, 13717, 13895, 13907, 13939, 13953, 14035, 14053, 14093 |
3 Digit Codes | 4 Digit Codes | 5 Digit Codes |
004, 055, 070, 073, 144, 160, 161, 167, 236, 333, 722 | 0000, 0030, 0047, 0281, 0571, 0810, 1003, 1053, 1145, 1164, 1179, 1260, 1265, 1277, 1279, 1286, 1712, 1687, 2147, 2183, 2256, 2746, 3382, 3559, 3577, 3791, 3895, 3953, 3981, 4201. | 10810, 11347, 11447, 11687, 11712, 12147, 12183, 12256, 13332, 13382, 13559, 13577, 13636, 13717, 13794, 13895, 13907, 13939, 14035, 14053, 14093, 14207, 14375, 14483, 14686 |
4 Digit Codes | 5 Digit Codes |
0000, 0015, 0031, 0107, 0162, 0163, 1061, 1068, 1094, 1272, 1326, 1386, 1000 | 11447, 12147, 12183, 12256, 12746, 13332, 13382, 13577, 13636, 13717, 13895, 14035 |
How to Program Universal Remote to Proscan TV
1. Turn On your Proscan TV and point the remote straight to the TV.
2. On your Universal remote, press the TV button.

3. Then, press the Setup button. The remote will now enter the learning mode.
4. From the above list, find the correct remote code and press it.
5. You will see the tiny light blinking on the remote when the entered code is correct. If not, try another code.
6. Now, press any button to check the functions.
Note – Instead of a Universal remote, you can download and use the Proscan TV remote app on your smartphone to control the TV. For this app, your smartphone and the TV must be on the same WiFi network.
Proscan TV remote may not work when the batteries are dead or weak. So, remove the old batteries and replace them with the new ones.
Yes, you can purchase the official Proscan TV replacement remote online by visiting the Amazon website, or you can use universal remotes like the RCA remote.