Are you finding it hard to keep track of all your TV remotes? Then, get a single universal remote to combine all remotes with one. Out of all universal remotes, the RCA universal remote is the cheapest in the market. In this section, we will look at the RCA universal remote codes for all TV brands, along with programming instructions.
List of RCA Universal Remote Codes
The following codes can be used to program an RCA Universal Remote to the TV.
TV Brand | RCA Universal Remote Codes |
Admiral | 0463, 4030, 4111, 4221, 10093, 10463 |
Advent | 1570, 10761 |
Affinity | 3717, 3577, 3870 |
Aiwa | 1362 |
Akai | 1675, 11675, 10702, 10672 |
AOC | 1589, 3720, 1365, 2014, 2087, 4101, 11365, 11589, 12014, 12087 |
Apex Digital | 2397, 4347, 4350, 10156, 10748, 10767, 12397 |
Ario | 2397 |
Astar | 11738 |
Asus | 3340 |
Atvio | 3638, 3636, 3657 |
Audiovox | 1564, 1769, 0623, 10451, 10802, 10846, 10875, 11937, 11951, 11952 |
Auria | 2087, 2014, 2277 |
Aventura | 0171, 10171 |
Avol | 3118 |
Axion | 11937 |
BGH | 4029, 4070, 0898, 2414, 0876, 4028, 4030 |
Blue Sky | 3997 |
Britania | 2414 |
Broksonic | 0463, 1892, 10463 |
Carver | 10054 |
CCE | 3782, 4091, 0623, 4092 |
Celebrity | 10000 |
Champion | 1362 |
Changhong | 3814 |
Coby | 3478, 3627, 2344, 12306, 12315, 12340, 12343, 12344, 12345, 12347, 12348, 12350 |
Commercial Solutions | 1447, 11447, 10047 |
Contex | 4053 |
Continental | 2357 |
Coradir | 2844 |
Craig | 3423 |
Crosley | 10000, 10054 |
Crown Mustang | 898 |
Curtis | 2855, 3577, 3895, 2352, 2397, 4035, 4053, 3636, 1326, 3382, 3717, 12352 |
Curtis Mathes | 0623, 10047, 10054, 10451, 10093, 10702, 10145, 11661, 11147, 11347 |
Cytron | 1326 |
Daewoo | 0623, 10451, 11661, 10661, 10672 |
Dell | 11264, 11080, 11863 |
Denon | 10145 |
Digitrex | 4207 |
Dish Network | 11948 |
Disney | 1892, 0171, 11892, 81017 |
Dumont | 0017, 10017 |
Durabrand | 0463, 0171, 1570, 0178, 10463, 10178, 10171, 11034 |
Dynex | 2049, 2184, 11463, 11785, 11810, 12049, 12184 |
Electroband | 10000 |
Electrograph | 11755 |
Electrohome | 0463, 1570, 1670, 10463 |
Electron | 2855 |
Elektra | 0017, 0623 |
Element | 3559, 1687, 2183, 2964, 1886, 11886, 12183, 01815, 70017, 81918, 45112, 72015, 34211, 79517, 24912, 34611 |
Elite | 1457 |
Emerson | 1864, 1394, 0171, 1886, 0463, 1963, 0178, 0623, 3623, 2183, 3559, 11864, 10017, 10451, 10463, 10178, 10171, 11661, 11394, 11944, 11963 |
Emprex | 11422 |
Encross | 876 |
Envision | 1589, 1365, 2087, 2014, 10813, 11365, 11589, 12014, 12087 |
Epworth | 1362 |
EQD | 2014, 2087, 2277 |
ESA | 0171, 1963, 10171, 11944, 11963 |
Fair Mate | 1326 |
Favi | 3382 |
Fisher | 1362 |
Fluid | 2964, 3559, 12964, 70013 |
Fujitsu | 10809 |
Funai | 1864, 0171, 1394, 1963, 10000, 10171, 11271, 11963 |
Gateway | 11755, 11756 |
GE | 1447, 0178, 11447, 10047, 10451, 10178, 11347 |
GFM | 0171, 1963, 1886, 1864, 10171, 11886, 11963, 12167 |
Gibraltar | 0017, 10017 |
Go Video | 10886 |
GoldStar | 0178, 10178 |
Haier | 1749, 2309, 1748, 3382, 2293,4398, 1570, 11034, 11748, 11749, 12309 |
Hallmark | 0178, 10178 |
Hannspree | 1348, 11348, 11745 |
Harman/Kardon | 10054 |
Havermy | 10093 |
H-Buster | 3620, 3419 |
Helios | 10865 |
Hello Kitty | 10451 |
Hewlett Packard | 11494, 11502 |
Hisense | 3519, 2183, 4398, 3382, 4029, 10748, 11314, 12098, 12355, 12419 |
Hitachi | 1643, 3639, 3382, 3697, 11643, 11145, 10679, 10145 |
Hiteker | 3118 |
HP | 11494, 11502 |
Hyundai | 4509 |
iLo | 0171, 1394, 11394, 11684, 11990 |
Infinity | 10054 |
Initial | 11990 |
Insignia | 2049, 1564, 1326, 1892, 0171, 0463, 1963, 2184, 12049, 11423, 11564, 10171, 10463, 11204, 11517, 11810, 11892, 11963, 12002, 12049, 12184, 12417 |
Inteq | 0017, 10017 |
IRT | 623 |
iSymphony | 3382, 3118, 3094 |
JBL | 10054 |
JCB | 10000 |
JC Penney | 0178, 0156 |
JCM | 2256, 12256 |
Jensen | 1326, 10761 |
JVC | 1774, 1601, 2321, 2271, 0463, 1570, 1670, 4070, 1892, 10463, 10053, 10731, 11253, 11601, 11774, 12271 |
KC | 4182 |
KDS | 1523, 1687, 11498 |
KLH | 10767 |
Ken Brown | 4056, 4099, 4221, 4444 |
Kreisen | 876 |
Legend | 2397, 2309 |
Lexus | 3638, 3657 |
LG | 2731, 2358, 3397, 0178, 0017, 11423, 10017, 10178, 10856, 11447, 12358, 12424, 12731, 11265 |
LG Alps | 2358 |
LodgingStar | 3147 |
LXI | 0156, 0178, 0017, 10047, 10054, 10156, 10178 |
MAG | 1687, 1523, 11498 |
Magnavox | 3623, 1866, 2372, 1454, 2597, 1963, 0171, 1365, 1867, 11867, 11454, 10054, 10802, 11198, 11254, 11365, 11944, 11963, 11990, 11866, 12372, 10171, 10051 |
Marantz | 1454, 11454, 10054 |
Master-G | 3419 |
Matsushita | 10250 |
Maxent | 11755 |
Megatron | 0178, 10178, 10145 |
Memorex | 0463, 1570, 1670, 0178, 1892, 0171, 1687, 10463, 10150, 10178, 11892 |
MGA | 0178, 10178, 10150 |
Microsonic | 1326, 3419, 4235 |
Midland | 0017, 10047, 10017, 10051 |
Mintek | 11990 |
Miray | 3847, 2414, 2429, 3183, 4178, 0898 |
Misakai | 171 |
Mitsubhishi | 11250, 10093, 10150, 10178, 11797 |
Mitsubishi Electric | 1250, 0178 |
Mitsui | 3658, 3638, 3657 |
Motorola | 10093 |
NAD | 0156, 0178, 10156, 11156, 10178 |
Naoki | 1540, 2357 |
Naxa | 2104, 3382, 3423, 12104, 82318, 11711, 25811, 29419, 41011 |
NEC | 0876, 2293, 11704, 11797 |
NetTV | 11755 |
New Acoustic Dimension | 0156, 0178 |
Nexus | 3519 |
Nexus Electronics | 2183, 12183 |
Nikko | 0178, 0017, 0156, 10178 |
Nimbro | 2104 |
Noblex | 1362, 3697, 1142, 4029, 3803, 4030, 4149, 4205 |
Norcent | 1365, 1589, 10748, 11365, 11589, 11745 |
Nordmende | 3419, 3861, 3134, 3327, 3767, 3835 |
NuVision | 4347 |
Ocosmo | 2337, 3899 |
Olevia | 1610, 11610, 11144, 11240, 11331 |
Optimus | 10250 |
Optoma | 11348 |
Optonica | 10093 |
Orion | 0463, 1892, 3540, 10463, 11463 |
Panasonic | 1480, 1291, 0156, 0178, 10250, 11480, 11457, 11291, 10051 |
Panavox | 4149 |
PARK | 2104, 12104 |
Penney | 0178, 0156, 10047, 10156, 10178, 11347, 10051 |
Petters | 11523 |
Philco | 3426, 3022, 2414, 0171, 1963, 4178, 0623, 1394, 1142, 1362 |
Phillips | 1867, 2372, 1454, 2597, 4222, 3623, 2800, 1744, 1866, 0017 |
Pioneer | 1457, 11457, 10679, 11260 |
Planar | 1589, 11589, 40413, 75812 |
Polaroid | 1523, 1769, 4035, 1687, 1326, 1524, 11523, 10865, 11276 |
Portland | 0623, 10451, 11661 |
Prima | 1749, 10761, 11749, 11785 |
Proscan | 1447, 3577, 3382, 2183, 2256, 3717, 3332, 3636, 3895, 4035 |
Proton | 0178, 10178 |
Proview | 1687, 1523, 11498 |
Pulsar | 0017, 10017 |
QuantumFX | 2337 |
Quasar | 3899, 4207, 4367, 1291, 10250, 11291, 10051 |
RadioShack | 0178, 10178, 10047 |
RCA | 2746, 2932, 2434, 3577, 1447, 2247, 3382, 3717, 3332, 3895, |
Realistic | 0178, 10178 |
Recco | 3847, 0898, 3183 |
Runco | 0017, 10017 |
Sampo | 11755 |
Samsung | 2051, 3993, 0178, 10702, 10178, 11060, 12051 |
Sankey | 2964 |
Sansai | 4030 |
Sansui | 3540, 0463, 1892, 1670, 3564, 4053, 0171, 3559, 10171 |
Sanyo | 1142, 1362, 3697, 3861, 1480, 10054, 11142 |
Sceptre | 3899, 2528, 2337, 11360, 11599, 12337, 12506 |
Scotch | 0178, 10178 |
Scott | 0178, 10178, 11711 |
Sears | 0156, 0171, 0178, 10047, 10054, 10156, 10178, 10171 |
Seiki | 3953, 2964, 3559, 3382, 3560, 0178 |
Semp Toshiba | 1743, 3793, 0156 |
Sens | 1749 |
Sense | 11865 |
Serie Dorada | 3814, 4221 |
Sharp | 2360, 3720, 1457, 4398, 10818, 12360, 10093 |
Sheng Chia | 10093 |
Sherwood | 11399 |
Sigmac | 3477, 3423 |
Silo | 3899, 3477, 4182 |
Sony | 0810, 10000, 10810, 11300 |
Soundesign | 0178, 10178 |
Sova | 11952 |
Soyo | 11520, 11826 |
Spectroniq | 1523, 1687, 11498 |
Speler | 4105, 4041 |
Squareview | 0171, 10171 |
STI | 3793 |
SunBriteTV | 2337, 1610, 2528, 11610, 12337 |
Superscan | 1963, 0171, 10093, 10864, 11944 |
Supersonic | 2104, 12104, 25811, 41811, 01117, 88715, 44711, 46911 |
Supreme | 10000 |
Suzuki | 4434 |
SVA | 1963, 10748, 10865, 11963 |
Sylvania | 1864, 1886, 0171, 1963, 1394, 11864, 10054, 11394 |
Symphonic | 0171, 1963, 1394, 11394, 10171, 11944 |
Syntax | 1610, 11610, 11144, 11240, 11331 |
SZK | 4434 |
Taki | 1540 |
Tandy | 10093 |
Tatung | 11756 |
TCL | 2434, 4398, 3183, 2429, 3426, 3847, 2414, 0898, 4178 |
Technics | 0017, 10250, 10051 |
Techview | 10847 |
Techwood | 10051 |
Teknika | 10054, 10150 |
Telefunken | 2414, 4025, 4302, 10702 |
TMK | 0178, 10178 |
TNCi | 0017, 10017 |
Tonomac | 4221, 4444 |
Tosaki | 1540, 2357 |
Toshiba | 1524, 1656, 0156, 3134, 1743, 11524, 11656, 10156 |
Trutech | 0171, 11723 |
TVS | 0463, 10463 |
UpStar | 4182, 4405 |
Venturer | 11865 |
Victor | 10053 |
Vidikron | 10054 |
Vidtech | 0178, 10178 |
Viewsonic | 2014, 2745, 2087, 1627, 2049, 2277, 1564, 1365, 12049 |
Viore | 2352, 3382, 3118, 2104, 3094, 11684, 12104, 12352, 13118 |
Vizio | 1758, 3758, 2707, 2757, 11758, 12512, 12757, 10864 |
Wards | 0178, 0017, 0156, 10156, 11156, 10178, 10047, 10017, 10051 |
Waycon | 0156, 10156 |
Westinghouse | 1712, 3559, 3382, 2293, 3094, 3470, 2397, 0463, 11712 |
White Westinghouse | 0623, 0463, 10463, 11661 |
Wyse | 1365, 11365 |
Xoceco | 1749 |
Zenith | 0017, 0178, 0623, 2731, 1365, 2358, 0463, 10000, 11423 |
RCA Universal Remote Codes for Top TV Brands
Hisense TV | 4 Digit Code 3519, 4029, 1314, 2183, 4398, 3382, 1660, 2355, 2098 5 Digit Code 10748, 12419, 14355, 11314, 12098, 12355, 24525, 25146, 78115, 59413, 35611, 44211, 67614, 39812, 61514, 13519, 14740, 31612, 42113, 39011, 14618, 12183, 14656, 11660, 15156, 15176, 15185, 11756, 14487, 13382 |
Hisense Roku TV | 35611, 59413, 61514, 44211, 72015, 67614, 78115, 55712 |
Insignia TV | 4 Digit Code 2049, 0171, 0463, 1564, 1326, 1892, 1963, 2184, 1660, 1785, 1423, 0171, 1517, 2751, 2417 5 Digit Code 12049, 11423, 11564, 12417, 11554, 13162, 21442, 22116, 10171, 10463, 11204, 11517, 11810, 11892, 11963, 12002, 12049, 12184, 22235, 22641, 23244, 23543, 28511, 06919, 07216, 69212, 89713, 24142, 24245, 24364, 25151, 26216, 33646, 28911, 12219, 49412, 70017, 39512, 45013, 69613, 47913, 36412, 40211, 64713, 56111, 82615, 61312, 68515, 22011, 57513, 79016, 21711, 74115, 41011, 73114 |
LG TV | 4 Digit Code 2731, 0017, 1423, 1447, 2358, 3397, 0178, 2424, 1178, 1934, 1265, 0856 5 Digit Code 11423, 11447, 12358, 12424, 10017, 10178, 10856, 12731, 11265, 25641, 31462, 31311, 11136, 11565, 21442, 52412, 63913, 11840, 11860, 38312, 47312, 58813, 14397, 11756, 14398 |
Samsung TV | 4 Digit Code 2051, 3993, 0178, 0702, 0650, 0030, 0766, 0814 5 Digit Code 10702, 11251, 11565, 10178, 11060, 12051, 14241, 14425, 97817, 77114, 79113, 16616, 14545, 24366, 21818, 36218, 66611, 11632, 15386, 43311, 94818, 38811, 15371 |
Sony TV | 4 Digit Code 0810, 1685, 1300, 1317 5 Digit Code 10000, 21115, 22556, 10810, 11300, 14541, 31912, 89616, 33211, 12778, 14448, 41112, 26411, 44613, 14189, 44211, 44411 |
TCL TV | 4 Digit Code 2434, 3426, 3847, 4398, 3183, 2429, 2414, 6918, 0898, 4178 5 Digit Code 12434, 26245, 80313, 13183, 14398, 80312, 36711, 57513, 61513, 44411, 44211, 15919, 68014, 37511, 78913, 84416, 36711, 61514, 33012, 95017, 57011, 11756 |
TCL Roku TV | 61514, 44211 |
Vizio TV | 4 Digit Code 1758, 0864, 1756, 3758, 2707, 2757, 0885 5 Digit Code 11758, 12512, 10885, 13758, 12757, 10864, 11756, 15111, 15144, 31544, 36333, 23155, 23161, 26455, 12707, 13415, 20111, 22111, 28911, 51914, 35011, 40412, 80016, 34112, 14723, 14905 |
RCA Universal Remote Codes for Sanyo TV
You can use these Sanyo TV remote codes to program an RCA Universal Remote.
4 Digit Codes
3861 | 3697 | 1362 | 0893 | 0799 | 2049 | 3488 |
0088 | 0706 | 1142 | 3183 | 0054 | 0885 | 2434 |
1480 | 4398 | 1756 | 0154 | 1163 | 1129 | 1121 |
5 Digit Codes
11564 | 11785 | 11480 | 11362 | 12049 | 12434 | 13183 |
13488 | 10885 | 11142 | 14398 | 11756 | 10054 |
RCA Universal Remote Codes for Element TV
Here are the Element TV codes that you can use to program an RCA universal remote.
4 Digit Codes
2256 | 4217 | 3907 | 2964 | 2183 | 2049 |
0706 | 3183 | 1886 | 0885 | 2434 | 3559 |
4398 | 1756 | 1687 |
5 Digit Codes
12256 | 14217 | 11886 | 12049 | 13907 |
13183 | 12964 | 12434 | 12183 | 10885 |
11687 | 14398 | 11756 | 13559 |
RCA Universal Remote Codes for Toshiba TV
The following are 3, 4, and 5-digit Toshiba TV remote codes, with which you program an RCA Universal Remote.
3 Digit Codes
044 | 038 | 034 | 027 | 019 | 011 | 006 | 000 |
4 Digit Codes
1211 | 1196 | 1191 | 1190 | 1178 | 1163 | 1108 |
1105 | 1103 | 1071 | 1047 | 1188 | 1159 |
5 Digit Codes
11945 | 11704 | 10845 | 11265 | 12006 |
11256 | 11156 | 10156 | 11656 | 11524 |
How to Program Universal Remote to RCA TV Using Code Search
1. Check if the device is active, and press the power on the remote to turn on the RCA TV.
2. Now, point the TV remote towards the TV, and press and hold the TV button.
3. Press and hold the TV and POWER buttons simultaneously.
4. Release both buttons if the POWER button lights up.
5. Now, press the Play button for 5 seconds until the TV turns off. Otherwise, repeat the process until the TV turns off.
6. Press the Reverse button to turn on the TV.
7. Finally, hold the Stop button and release it to store the remote code on the TV.
8. By doing so, the devices should be paired with the universal remote and easily controlled.
How to Program RCA Universal Remote Using Direct Code Entry
1. On your remote, press and hold the Device (TV/SAT-CBL/DVD/-VCR) button.
2. Enter the five or four-digit code from the above list using the remote’s keypad.
3. After entering the code, the remote light should be on.
4. Release the Device button again and observe the light on the remote.

5. If the light on the remote blinks four times, the code entered is incorrect. So, try another code from the list.
6. Instead, if the light stays on, the remote is paired to the device and can control the device.
How to Program RCA TV Universal Remote Without Code
1. Turn on your Smart TV and long press the TV button on the remote, pointing it to the TV.
2. You can see the light blinked on the remote.
3. Press the POWER and TV buttons until you see the light blink again.
4. Now, tap the Play and Slow buttons simultaneously for a few seconds.
5. Your Smart TV will be turned off.
6. Once it turns off, your RCA Universal TV remote is programmed with your Smart TV.
If the Smart TV doesn’t respond to your remote, repeat Step 5 until your TV turns off.
How to Program RCA Universal Remote to DVD Player
1. First, switch on your DVD player.

2. Long press the Code Search button on the remote until the light blinks on the remote.
3. Tap the DVD button on your RCA Universal remote.
4. Enter the 4-digit code in the remote to pair with the DVD player.
5. Finally, tap the ON/OFF button on the RCA remote.
6. When your DVD player is powered off, the remote is correctly paired with the device.
The remote code to program the RCA Universal Remote with the Apple TV is 52615.
11748, 11749, and 12309 are the RCA Universal Remote codes for Haier.